As i have some of these PIR motion detecting sensors and i wanted to know if my (5 - 20 volt) sensor does work with ESP8266 test module.
The spoiler of the story is already in the title.
With the signal to PinPir (I tried several pins), GND and +Power to VCC ( 3.3 Volts) i tested the ESP8266 with the program below. This program also toggles another led ( PinChk ) every time the timer routine tests PinPIR.
First the PIR sensor seemed to react on movements.The PIR sensor has a jumper for Single or Repeat Trigger and adjustments for Sensitivity and Time delay. I did not want false alarm signals so did more tests.
My conclusion is this PIR module does not work reliable on 3V3 if connected the standard way ! This is not a big surprise, the specs say you need 5 - 20 Volts!
This configuration starts to give false signals after some time especially if you use the (more power consuming) RGB leds and afer a time you can even remove the PIR sensor and get almost the same results as without the PIR sensor.
' PIR test
cls' Pin Pir 2 GPIO2
let PinPir = 2
' Pin Led 14 GPIO14
let PinLed = 14
' Pin Chk 4 GPIO5
let PinChk = 4
' Switch off the a RGB leds
io(po,12, io(pi,1) ) ' 12 GPIO12 RGB led GREEN
io(po,13, io(pi,1) ) ' 13 GPIO13 RGB led BLUE
io(po,15, io(pi,1) ) ' 15 GPIO15 RGB led RED
x = 0
html | <h1>Test Pir sensor</h1> |
html | <br> |
html | <br>Pir sensor controls the Led<br> |
button " Exit ", [Exit]
html | <br> |
timer 60 ,[PirChk]
html | <br> |
' toggle PinChk checkled
x = x + 1
io(po,PinChk,x )
if x > 1 then x = 0
io(po,PinLed, io(pi,PinPir) )
io(po,PinLed, io(pi,1) )
A negative result is also a result, i decided to publish it for you (and as a reminder for myself). Perhaps a part of the problem is the wiring of my ESP test module, but 3.3 Volt is also below the specs of this PIR module !
But this is not the end of the story. I did a search on the internet (i need a PIR sensor for my project) and found an interesting article about my module... As i have planned some other things you have to be patient before i can publish my test results.
Part 2 where you can see how to use the PIR sensor with 3V3 :