Friday, August 19, 2016

Slicing pictures (3) photo chop

In the article this week i describe how to do the slicing with Adobe Photoshop 6 using tips from the previous Adobe articles about Shift Control J , Saved Selections and the naming conventions.
No i did not sliced all the pictures of remote controls this way. The first pictures i even sliced on a less efficient way!
  • Load the Photoshop file with the picture ( see article 1 )
  • In the Photoshop file are already saved selections for the columns ( article 2)
  • Make for each Row (starting with the top row a separate layer using Shift Control J. Rename the layer to Dnn where nn is the Row number. At this moment the layer contains the picture data for the columns A B C and D for this row.
  • During this process hide the layers with the sliced parts.
  • When ready with creating all rows you can start slicing this rows:
  • Select and make visible the first row  ( D01 )
  • Use load selection A to load column A. Use Shift CTRL J Rename the new Layer to A01  
  • Use load selection B to load column C. Use Shift CTRL J Rename the new Layer to B01  
  • Use load selection C to load column C. Use Shift CTRL J Rename the new Layer to C01
  • The “original” first row already had the name D01 (This layer has column A, B and C now slices off from D)  
Do this on a similar way with all the rows.
If you need combinations of columns load the saved selection of the combination ( E.g. AB or BC ) Rename the layer using the naming convention earlier explained, ( E..g A01B  or B07C )
If you have all the slices ready save the Photoshop *.psd file for backup.

The next step is saving each separate layer as separate picture file ( .jpg or .png ) with filename the layer name. Some versions of Adobe Photoshop and some other drawing programs have macro’s or special functions to do this in one step. Before separating and saving first re-size the complete picture to nice size to display it on the web.

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