Monday, December 23, 2019

ATTiny85 RGB led

An RGB Led with DuPont connectors from a previous post was tested with the attiny85 with Dupont female wires. the wire without resistor was connected to ground and the other led pins with the resistors to P0, P1 and P2.
As program i used the Example DigisparkRGB program. ( Examples \  DigisparkRGB \ DigisparkRGB  ).

#include <DigisparkRGB.h>
 Digispark RGB

 This example shows how to use soft PWM to fade 3 colors.
 Note: This is only necessary for PB2 (pin 2) - Blue, as Red (pin 0) and Green (pin 1) as well as pin 4 support the standard Arduino analogWrite() function.

 This example code is in the public domain.
byte RED = 0;
byte BLUE = 2;
byte GREEN = 1;

// the setup routine runs once when you press reset:
void setup()  {

void loop ()
//direction: up = true, down = false
boolean dir = true;
int i = 0;

fade(COLORS[i%3], dir);
dir = !dir;
void fade(byte Led, boolean dir)
int i;

//if fading up
if (dir)
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
DigisparkRGB(Led, i);
for (i = 255; i >= 0; i--)
DigisparkRGB(Led, i);

A video of the result was posted on my YouTube channel :
(At that time this blogpost was not yet ready for publishing.)

As i was not very happy with the recorded colors, i tried to improve it by putting a white paper below the led. However the improvement was only minor and the real colors are different. I hope the video will at least give a little impression of the changing colors.
As all the colors are faded in the program i did not specially select the led color pins to be matched to the colors in the program (  RED = 0;  BLUE = 2;  GREEN = 1; )

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