Thursday, June 11, 2020

USB Microscope NeoPixel picture

Some pictures of a neopixel taken with my USB Microscope

What is a NeoPixel:
A NeoPixel is a small color led light with 4 connections.
Two points need to be connected to the power ( plus and minus ) One other connection is for an input control signal and the fourth connection may be used as output to connect to the next NeoPixel.
This way a lot con NeoPixels can be connected like a chain. The photos in this post are from a set of pre-soldered neopixels on a pcb where you can break out a small round pcb with one neopixel and the connections. This round led pixels can be used together with a micro controller (arduino, esp, .. ) in projects.
(this picture is NOT from the USB microscope but taken with my smartphone
The first input needs to be connected to a micro controller. The micro controller can send send a signal and control each individual led separate to set the color and brightness.

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