Friday, November 20, 2020

Found Emma 02 an RCA 1802 emulator

Just found Emma 02 , an 1802 Emulator that can emulates several RCA 1802 systems and could not resist trying a quick install, and it worked.

Internet home
(Download    )

After the easy installation on my windows machine i did run it.
On the tab "Elf" i pushed at the [Start] button. (bottom left)In the green terminal screen 'For help type HELP.' at the >>> prompt type FOR NEW  or FOR OLD start a Forth.
(It is also possible to type FORTH , and the system wil ask OLD or NEW ) 

It is also possible to emulate other 1802 systems e.g. the COMX-35 (an RCA 1802 computer i never owned) that runs a Basic version.

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