Saturday, April 3, 2021

4 Button PCB

Some time ago i received this nice PCBs with 4 push buttons in my Aliexpress mailbag.
The PCBs and buttons are somewhat smaller than expected. (About 32mm*8 mm)  
However they are relative cheap. For 10 PCBs with 4 buttons i did
 pay € 3,41 including shipment, so about 34 cent each.
One side of each button is connected to a separate pin marked K1, K2, K3 and K4. The connections on the other side of the button are joined together and is marked GND 

To 4 of these PCBs i soldered Dupont header to easy use them for prototyping.
The two on the right in the picture have straight male headers and can be easy plugged in a breadboard.
The bottom left has a 5 pin female header. The top on the left has 5 bend male header pins. The idea is that i can easy use the PCB with buttons one on the left with some Dupont wires.

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