Monday, May 24, 2021

Easy module shield -1- (Arduino)

Recently i received another Arduino sensor shield.
It has a reset button and two other push buttons several other sensors.There are some Dupont pins available to add something of your own (e.g. an IR led).

D0( RX see below )
D1( TX see below )
D2SW1 (push button)
D3SW2 (push button)
D6IR receiver
D7(pins with D7 VCC GND)
D8(pins with D7 VCC GND)
D9RGB led (R?)
D10RGB led (R?)
D11RGB led (R?)
D12Led Red D1
D13Led Blue D2
A0Rotation (pot)
A1LDR (Light sensor)
A2LM35 (temeprature sensor)
A3(pins with A3 VCC GND)
A4( I2C SDA see below )
A5( I2C SCL see below )
TX RX(pins with TX RX VCC GND)
ResetReset button
(power)Power Led

Some names that i have seen for this shield are
Easy module shield
Multifunction (multisensor) Shield Arduino Uno
Multifunction DHT11 LM35 Temperature Humidity Easy Module Shield for Arduino UNO
Multifunction Expansion Board DHT11 LM35 Temperature Humidity For Arduino UNO

The interesting of this relative cheap board is that it contains several hardware items to play with as an  Arduino shield so you do not need to wire these components.

Schematics and some examples can be found at

As i have seen several times interesting information disappear i placed a copy of the schematics here on my blog. (For the code there are also other resources). 

Perhaps in the future i will post some code examples and experiments you can do with this shield. With the LM35 i did not play before. Also i did read about some problems with the Infrared led on a version of this shield. So i hope i will find time soon to play with this board.

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