Monday, January 30, 2023


PCBs to make ESP32 more breadboard friendly Including jumpers to select ground and power connections. 

To fit my ESP32 module nice on a breadboard i created this PCB.  When you stick this EPS32 module direct on a PCB there is no space to make connections. You can find several examples where users stick the module  on two PCBs. However wanted to keep the 'standard' PCB height and put it on only one breadboard. Therefore i created this PCB for my EPS32 module that can be plugged in the power lines of a breadboard.
To connect to the power rails of a breadboard solder some male pins pointing downwards in the top left, bottom left , top right and bottom right holes.

For the jumper connections it is best to solder in male Dupont pins. 

I soldered female Dupont connectors in the corresponding holes in the PCB for the module and the connections.
For the connections it is also possible to use male Dupont headers (or a combination of male and female). However the female version as it gives it a breadboard look. (I also build a version with 2 female one male row connection row. This is handy if you have sensors and buttons with female connectors.)

In the photo you see a version where i used male pins for some additional connections (GND,  3V3 and 5V) 

The PCB can also be used as 'stand alone' without a breadboard.  Mount the PCB using screws in the holes, the ESP module can easy be swapped or temporary removed for testing and reprogramming. 

Using jumpers power and ground connections can be configured.
(For the two power strips top row is always + bottom -)
The yellow lines indicate the connections.
Topright part of the PCB is the Ground configuration. The jumpers make it possible to connect GND1 GND2 GND3 GND4 to the top ground or to the bottom ground line.
Also bottom ground and top ground can be connected to each other.
On right bottom part of the PCB you find (vertical) some 3V3 points and Bottom ground connection points.
On left bottom part of the PCB you find (vertical) some 5V connection points.
Also on the left (bottom and top) there are 5V ans 3V3 points that can be connected to the breadboard top or bottom + power line.

The left and right power lines are always connected. You can use the PCB also to join to breadboards placed left and the right.

Below some pictures of the PCB design. 
( Red top copper layer, Blue bottom copper layer)

The PCBs where designed with EasyEDA and the project is there also shared.
Project homepage

Open in Editor,cmd_for_project=a2568d38d6634a1185e5220d4f53b901
PCB Top layer

PCB Bottom layer

The information, including the gerber files is also available on my Github 

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