Thursday, November 30, 2023

Mailbag 2023 Q4-1

My last Mailbag post has been some time ago. This does not mean i did not get some new items. AliExpress had (and still has) promotions where you can order (minimum) 3 items for around 5.99 Euro. This gave an opportunity to get several items below 2 Euro.
Also some more expensive items where in my mailbag. I will split the backlog of my mailbag posts in several postings. Some postings are grouped around a topics so it will not be chronological. Also i will post some non electronic items. I will try to include some screenshots with prices. However price can change. Also sometimes what i actually payed is different (e.g. bundle discount). 

Small cheap shoulder bag.
It is a bit off topic, however as it is a nice cheap bag i decided to post this also on this mailbag bog post.

Two metal hobby knifes

Additional blades for the knifes (above)

This is a small cheap voice recorder with USB connector. It does not include memory, to use it an additional small SDcard is needed. The included internal LiPo battery can be charged via USB. Also the (not included) SDcard can be accessed. It has a small on/of switch to start and stop recording and also a status led. 

Waterproof (power) connectors. Don't know how waterproof they really are, however they where not expensive and look nice.

Some RF connectors ( BNC to SMA )

Two different sized telescopic antenna's. The long antenna was a bad buy. They are usable as antenna, however they are not very mechanical stable.  When using the long extended antenna the mechanical force became to big and it broke.  

Two PIR motion sensors

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