Wednesday, January 10, 2024

My Quansheng K5 radios

Currently i have 3 Quansheng K5 radios.
The Quansheng K5 radios are relative cheap and nice to play with (when you know and keep to the rules, e.g. being a licenced Ham radio operator).

The first one was a Quansheng K5 plus. It did not have a USB (emergency) power port however it included the USB data cable.
Therefore (and to do some experiments) i did buy second one a Quansheng K5(8) that had the USB emergency charge connector.
Later i did win a third one in a lottery. This is also a Quansheng K5(8),

On the outside you can easy see the difference between the K5 plus and the K5(8). Besides the (missing) USB emergency charging connector and the color of the display, there are some easy to see differences. My two Quansheng K5(8) radios look exact the same.
The Quansheng K5(8) has some metal screws on the front and the speaker area looks different. My two Quansheng K5(8) have an orange volume on/off knob and my Quansheng K5 plus has a black knob. My Quansheng K5 plus has a colored M and Exit button and a metal shining Quansheng logo. Also some other small differences between are visible.

As i do experiments with all of these radios it would be nice to make the two Quansheng K5(8) radios a little different. For example at the moment i have loaded different software on each of these radio's.
Until now i could only see the difference as i did not add the belt clip on my last Quansheng  K5(8). However today i must say the looked exact the same as did a little hack to see the difference more easy.

The new situation :


Metal screws
on front

K5 plusNoOrange
K5(8)  YesOrange
K5(8) "second"
(december 2023)

The italic values (black and orange) in this table are not the original values:
I swapped the black 'volume on/off  knob' from my Quansheng K5 plus with the orange knob of my newest Quansheng  K5(8) radio and now they are all more different from each other.

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