To use this module (see picture) with some buttons (or button like sensors). i first tested input on the IO pins of this module with a ESP8266 Basic program.
(Test of the analog input is not described in this article)
Using some pins in the software did crash the program. I expect during init or compiling as not one statement in the program was executed.
I added (1) or (0) in this second version of my program to help checking changes of the pin depending on external signals
(1) indicate that the default output of this command is 1
(0) indicate that the default output of this command is 0
( ' are comments in ths ESP8266 Basic)
Print "Test the pins for input"
print " 0 (1) : " & io(pi,0)
print " 1 (0) : " & io(pi,1)
print " 2 (1) : " & io(pi,2)
print " 3 (0) : " & io(pi,3)
print " 4 (1) : " & io(pi,4)
print " 5 (1) : " & io(pi,5)
' io(pi,6) => program crash
print " 12 (0) : " & io(pi,12)
print " 13 (0) : " & io(pi,13)
print " 14 (1) : " & io(pi,14)
print " 15 (0) : " & io(pi,15)
print " 16 (1) : " & io(pi,16)
' io(pi,17) => program crash
' io(pi,88) => program crash
Next i connected a button between VCC and a GPIO pin and did run the program again with the button pressed.
This way i tested all the GPIO pins one by one.
After this i did the same with the button between GND and each GPIO pin.
Results: (GPIO 'sort' equal to hardware layout)
GPIOpin | (def) | VCC | GND | LED |
GPIO16 | (1) | 16 0 (led7 Red when pushed | [ R x x x x x Blue ] | |
GPIO14 | (1) | 14 0 (led6 Red when pushed | [ x R x x x x Blue ] | |
GPIO12 | (0) | 12 1 (RGB led GREEN when pushed) | rGb | |
GPIO13 | (0) | 13 1 (RGB led BLUE when pushed) | rgB | |
GPIO4 | (1) | 5 0 (led5 Red when pushed | [ x x R x x x Blue ] | |
GPIO5 | (1) | 4 0 (led4 Red when pushed | [ x x x R x x Blue ] | |
GPIO0 | (1) | 0 0 (led3 Red when pushed | [ x x x x R x Blue ] | |
GPIO2 | (1) | 2 0 (led2 Red when pushed | [ x x x x x R Blue ] | |
GPIO15 | (0) | 15 1 (RGB led RED when pushed) | - | Rgb |
The numbers in bold indicate which signal in software changes if button is pressed
leds start burning if button i s pushed. This is indicated in the column LED
The column (def) is added afterwards with default values
- Pin with label GPIO5 and pin with label GPIO4 are wrong labeled. Labels need to be swapped (This was also confirmed by some other test where i found 5 en 4 swapped !) ( Leds with the two labels seem to be labeled oke!)
- 3 pins [GPIO 12 13 and 15, connected to RGB led] can be pulled to VCC with a button and the value changes from 0 to 1
- 6 pins [The other GPIO's (16, 14, 4 , 5, 0 and 2 ] can be pulled to GROUND with a button and change from 1 to 0