I liked to make a more breadboard friendly version to handle the little transformer more easy, make it easy to move the transformer to other places on the breadboard and have the connections always at the same distances and also get somewhat more robust pins.
A special PCB for the transformer could have been created, however i still had some 8 pin SMD PCBs and i realized they can be easy adapted for this transformers. This are small PCBs, normally used for 8 pin SMD ICs to making through hole compatible (or make them usable on a breadboard).
At the copper connections for the 8 pin SMD IC some connections were made: pin 1 to 2 , 3 to 4 , 5 to 6 and 7 to 8. A small wire with some solder to bridge the gaps was used as solder alone tended to flow back on the pads. When you want a connection it sometimes does not work and when you don't want a connection....

For stability 2 strips with 4 male Dupont pins were used, first removing the middle 2 pins as they are not needed.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
8 | 7 | 6 | 5 |
(Picture with breadboard, a breadboard friendly and a direct plugged in audio transformer and some other components)
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