Tuesday, December 1, 2015


Arduino KY-035 Class Bihor magnetic sensor

This sensor gives an analog signal


  • S          Arduino Pin A5
  • middle  +5V
  • -           GND


Without magnet 523
With one simple (not extreme strong) magnet values observed between 388 and 613

More info

Monday, November 30, 2015




  • D0 (Digital Signal) Arduino D3 Only needed for "Digital script"
  • + +5V
  • G GND
  • A0 (Analog Signal ) Arduino A0 Only needed for Analog script"


When the linear Hall sensor detects a magnetic signal Arduino LED (pin 13)  (and led on module) flashes Arduino.


Value depends on position of magnetic field
Without magnet 523, with magnet between 417 and 730

More info


Sunday, November 29, 2015


KY-003 37-1 Hall magnetic sensor module 


  • Pin  S                 D10
  • Pin middle (5V) +5V
  • Pin -                   GND -


When the Hall sensor detects a magnetic field, Arduino LED (and the led on the sensor module) lights up.

Saturday, November 28, 2015


Arduino KY-025 Reed module

My version of this module has
2 leds:   power led and sensor led
4 pins + , G A0 (analog out) and D0 (digital out)
one IC( comparator ) and some resistors an a variable resistor (potmeter)On the internet you can also find a digital output only version of KY-025.


  • D0 (Digital Signal)                 Arduino D3 (Only needed for Digital )
  • + +5V
  • G GND
  • A0 (Analog Signal )        Arduino A0 (Only needed for Analog  )


Function (Digital)

If power connected to the module the power led is on.
When a magnet is close to the sensor also the sensor led on the module is on and the pin 13 led on the Arduino will go on also.


On The Net i could not easy find an example using the KY-025 A0 analog pin.
I cloned an existing analog sensor script and tried it.

Function (Analog)

The reed sensor can only be closed (with magnet) or open (without magnet)  !!
With magnet i get the value is 1,  without magnet  1023.  Perhap the value can be changed with the potentiometer. (I did not try this.)

More info

Friday, November 27, 2015


Arduino KY-021 Mini_magnetic reed module

A resistor is included on my version of this module.
For the test you need to keep a magnet ( not included in the 37in1 kit ) near the sensor.


S         (signal) Arduino Pin 3
middle             +5V
-                      GND


The reed contact is closes with a magnet near the sensor and the built in led on the Arduino is turned off (Pin 13)  Without magnet the led is on.

More info

Thursday, November 26, 2015


Arduino KY-029 Yin Yi_2-color LED module 3MM

Same as KY-011 only different led size
Additional needed 330 Ohm resistor ( 2x)
On my version only the red led functioned the other was defective !


  • Arduino pin 10 --> resistor 330 Ohm --> Signal pin of the module   (Green)
  • Arduino pin 11 --> resistor 330 Ohm --> Middel pin of the module  (Red)
  • Arduino GND  --> module -/GND
The circuit perhaps can work without the 330 Ohm resistor, however it is strongly recommended to add the resistors!

More info

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


Arduino KY-020 Tilt switch module

Arduino Ball switch module KY020
My version of this module has a debounce resistor.


  • S          Arduino Pin 3
  • middle  +5V
  • -           GND

More info

Monday, November 23, 2015


Arduino KY-036 Metal touch sensor module

Module has a power led and a led indicating touch of metal.
A0 seems to contain some analog out signal also to indicate if metal is touched.
Module contains a variable resistor (sensitivity?)


  • D0          Arduino Pin 3
  • +            +5V
  • GND       GND
  • A0          (not connected / Analog signal) 


If metal wire over the transistor is touched Arduino led (pin13) is switched on

More info

Sunday, November 22, 2015


Arduino KY-037 Sensitive microphone sensor module


  • D0 (Digaital Signal)                Arduino D3 (Only needed for Digital)
  • +                                           +5V
  • G                                           GND
  • A0 (Analog Signal )               Arduino A0 (Only needed for Analog)



More info


Saturday, November 21, 2015


Arduino KY-038 Microphone sound sensor module

My KY-038 module has two leds: a power led and, near the pot meter to set the sensitivity a led indicating if a signal is detected.


  • D0 (Digital Signal)   Arduino D3 Only needed for "Digital script"
  • +                                 +5V
  • G                                 GND
  • A0 (Analog Signal ) Arduino A0   Only needed for Analog script"

Thursday, November 19, 2015


Arduino Servo


Servo motors have three wires: power, ground, and signal.
The power wire is typically red, and should be connected to the 5V pin on the Arduino
The ground wire is typically black or brown and should be connected to a ground pin on the board.
For my experiments i used some Servos with
  • Yellow Signal    (In the two scripts below Pin 9)
  • Red      +5V
  • Brown Ground

Example 1: Sweep

This script sweeps the servo

Example 2: Servo Potentiometer control

This script uses a potentiometer to control the servo..
I used the KY-023 XY-axis joystick module ( potmeter in X direction VRx )

More info

Wednesday, November 18, 2015


Arduino_KY-023 XY axis joystick module

Expected that it would be very easy to test this sensor with the script below as i wanted to use it also for an Arduino project with a servo.
Result: X an Y functioned correct Push button gave problems.
Tested push button separate using the simple key switch KY-004 method using the led (pin 13) on the Arduino  (This script used D10 not D3 for the button )
Result: Key push not function on my joystick !!
Tried another KY-023 XY axis joystick module: button worked. (Led on / Off depending Joystick pressed yes/no)
Tried the KY-023 script below with this other KY-023 module.
Result: X Y functioned . Button works better but still gives some problems: If pressed signal is 0. If not pressed, most times signal is 1 but some noise on line gives sometimes signals 0.
On the joystick module a debounce resistor is not on the module and it is needed for some applications. There is a location for an SMD resistor on the PCB.  Better de-bounce is needed!


  • MS ( key) Arduino D3
  • VRy (Joystick y ) A1 
  • VRx (Joystick x ) A0 
  • +5V +5V

More info

Tuesday, November 17, 2015


Arduino KY-040 Rotary encoder module

This was the first time i used a rotary encoder and i took me more time than i expected. The info about the KY-040 Rotary encoder module was a bit confusing. The KY-40 Rotary encoder is not very well documented in one place. Several examples can be found, some of them i tried.
On Tkkrlab is an example with additional leds and a link to a Youtube video. This needed example needs several additional components and there is no clear info how to wire it. I wanted a demo with as less additional components as possible.
The information on Henrysbench seemed more complete and useful to understand the internals of the encoder. CLK and DT give you the rotation.
On  Bigdanzblog i found some fine tuning of the programming code
The bottom of the page  http://arduino.stackexchange.com/questions/16365/reading-from-a-ky-040-rotary-encoder-with-digispark has another code example.
On Hobbycomponents was the info that finaly gave finally me a clue how to use this little device. SW is a push switch. It is not used is some of the other examples as this functionality is not always present. The program also gave me some understandable data. Not every little movement gives me data and i need to rotate the knob several steps to get a signal.
To make it more robust more development is needed.
Some of the examples use interrupts. There are some other things that i did not try yet:

On codebender.cc there are some program examples using an analog input. 
There are examples on the internet using a 0,47µ capacitor from ground to CLK and another 0,47µ capacitor from ground to DT.


It seems that there are several a little different versions of the encoder. The push button SW is not present in all versions. And 10 KiloOhm pullup resistor from +5V to SW needs to be added to sometimes as it seems not included in all versions of the KY-040. My version of the KY-040 Rotary Encoder module contains 3 resistors on the PCB and has the push button function. Therefore i did not need extra parts. However adding additional 0,47µ capacitors could perhaps improve my experience with this KY-040 module.

First example

Example that worked for me. 

Hardware connection

  • Pin 2 DT
  • Pin 3 CLK
  • Pin 4 SW
  • +5V  +


Watch output on the serial port of the Arduino.
Number increment or decrement depending on rotation direction of knob.
Text "Switch pressed" if knob is pushed.
Not all rotation movement of knob is detected.
To really use the KY-040 Rotary encoder more development is needed. 

Monday, November 16, 2015


Arduino KY-034 Automatic flashing colorful LED module

After successful testing several modules of my 37in1 sensor kit for Arduino here a less successful story.
I tried tried the Arduino KY-034 Automatic flashing colorful LED module
The program example i found used pin13, the same pin as the standard led on the Arduino.
Wiring it up seemed quite simple: S Pin 13 and -  GND.
I tried it and it did not function ! Changed wireing and the program to pin 12 did not help.
Decide to try it directly and connected - to GND and S direct to 3.3 V on my Arduino. Still no light; however after a few seconds the led started glow very little and after that i heard a little tick and the led went dark after only one little no so colorful flash!  I expect i have blown up this special led.
As i want to publish the test of all the 37in1 sensors i also publish this story:

 I have not been able to successfully make my 
 KY-034 module work (yet) ! 

Perhaps i need to try this later with another KY-034 module ( YB-3120B4PnYG-PM ) .
I have seen a video where it worked : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aM4MiaLbm24

Sunday, November 15, 2015


Arduino KY-019 5V relay module


  • S Arduino pin 10
  •  +    +5V
  •  -    GND


Relay switches on and off. You can hear the relay ticking. On the KY-019 is also a led to see the status.
You can use the relay ports to control a more heavy power load.

There are also other modules available with more (e.g. 2 , 4 , 8 ) relays

More info

Saturday, November 14, 2015


KY-010 37-1 Optical broken module


  • S Signal           Arduino Pin 3
  • middle            +5V
  • -                    GND

If light interrupted the led 13 on Arduino will switch on

More info

https://tkkrlab.nl/wiki/Arduino_KY-010_Optical_broken_module http://linksprite.com/wiki/index.php5?title=Advanced_Sensors_Kit_for_Arduino

Friday, November 13, 2015


Arduino PIR Sensor

My PIR sensor :

Found a datasheet for a PIR sensor with pictures exactly like my version
The two pictures below are copied from this datasheet and gave me info how to connect it to the Arduino.
For the program i used a simple push button program that switches the led 13 on the Arduino on or off


  • Pin big IC & jumper side                                 Ground
  • Pin middel High/Low output - buttonpin           Arduino pin 10
  • Pin                                                                 +5V


No movement - Led off
Movement detected - Led on

More info

Thursday, November 12, 2015


Arduino KY-031 Tap Sensor module

Knock, tap hit sensor
On Instructables is a collection Arduino sensor tutorials with video explanation and a codebender program where i found the very nice example of the KY-031 that worked with my hardware.



  • Pin S D3
  • Pin middle (5V) +5V
  • Pin - GND -


If sensor knocked / Tap  the led lights up.
See also the video.

More info

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


KY-012 37-1 13 Active buzzer module

After testing the KY-006 Passive buzzer module i wanted to test this KY-012 active buzzer.

The active buzzer  continuously makes sound and only needs power to function.
Example for the KY-012 Active buzzer i found on internet did not function in my first test. I almost did think my buzzer module was not functioning well. The active buzzer only needs power i decided to wire Pin S  directly to the +5V and Pin - to Ground of my Arduino. The result of this test was no sound! I reversed the polarity and the alarm sounded.
I don't know if the problem was my version of the KY-012 module. With S connected to ground and - connected to the Arduino control pin i could use the module!
Later i checked http://linksprite.com/wiki/index.php5?title=Advanced_Sensors_Kit_for_Arduino and  they used a similar connection as i did. They had an additional connection;
middle pin to +5 V


  • Pin -      Arduino Pin 9
  • Pin (middel)   not connected (or +5 V )
  • Pin S             Arduino Ground

More info

Tuesday, November 10, 2015


KY-006 37-1 1 Small passive buzzer module

The Sensor kit 37-1 has two buzzers:
This is the test of the passive buzzer


Pin S              Arduino 8
Pin (middle)    +5 V (or not connected)
Pin -              Arduino Ground

More info

Sunday, November 8, 2015


KY-016 37-1 3-color LED module

Led,  red green and blue

Hardware connection

  • Arduino pin 11 --> Pin R module
  • Arduino pin 10 --> Pin G module
  • Arduino pin 9 --> Pin B module
  • Arduino pin GND --> Pin - module
Resistors, are already included on the module !


Led will display several colors

More info


KY-011 37-1 2-color LED module

Led with red and green color

Additional needed 330 Ohm resistor ( 2x)

Hardware connection

  • Arduino pin 10 --> resistor 330 Ohm --> Signal pin of the module   (Green)
  • Arduino pin 11 --> resistor 330 Ohm --> Middel pin of the module  (Red)
  • Arduino GND  --> module -/GND

The circuit will work without the 330 Ohm resistor, however it is strongly recommended to add the resistors!


KY-002 37-1 Vibration switch module

Hardware connections

  • Pin S signal, connect to Arduino pin 10
  • Pin (middel pin) +5 v, connect to Arduino +5
  • Pin - = GND, connect to GND of the Arduino
Led (13) on Arduino flashes if vibration detected

More info

Saturday, November 7, 2015


KY-008 37-1 Laser sensor module KY-008
Laser sens Laser emit
KY-008 is actually laser emitter.

The Laser KY-008 is particularly neat because it can be directly powered from an Arduino output pin as it only draws 30 mA from the processor that has outputs rated for 40 mA.

Hardware connections

You need only supply ground and power to this device.

  • pin S                Arduino output pin (in example pin is used) (or +5V for  laser
  • pin middel        not connected
  • pin -                GND

More info


Friday, November 6, 2015


KY-001 37-1 Temperature sensor module

Module with DS18S20 1-wire temperature chip

  Hardware connection

  •   Pin S Signal - buttonpin - 10
  •   Pin middel +5V
  •   Pin - Ground

Program will output data on serial connection

More info


KY-004 37-1 Key switch module

Hardware connection

  • Pin S              Signal - buttonpin  - 10
  • Pin middel      +5V
  • Pin -               Ground

When the key is pressed the buildin LED on pin 13 will be turned off.

More info

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Review van mijn eerste ESP8266

In een vorige post melde ik de ontvangst van mijn pakje uit China. Ook beloofde ik een korte review van mijn ESP8266 module.
Een groot voordeel is wat je krijgt voor 4 euro: een 3x AA batterij houder, een ESP-12 gesoldeerd op een printje met spanningsregelaar, RGB led een aantal rode leds en een lichtsensor. Ook zijn alle pinnen van de ESP8266 toegankelijk.
Het bordje kan "out of the box" direct bestuurd worden via een Android app beschikbaar via de AI-Thinker website.
Hoewel het achteraf erg simpel bleek duurde even voor ik het printje met de Android App werkend had.
Er is veel info over de ESP8266 beschikbaar over op internet. Helaas voor een groot deel in het Chinees. Ook staat de info vaak erg versnipperd.
Daarom dit recept met 5 stappen om het geheel eenvoudig werkend te krijgen:
1) Plaats het APK bestand in de Google drive van je Android telefoon.
2) Open met je Android telefoon de Google drive en kik op het APK bestand om de app te installeren.
Helaas zit de APP niet in de Google App Store maar tot mijn verrassing blijkt installeren van APK bestanden vanuit je google drive heel eenvoudig!
3) Open het draadbrugje (Draadbrug is om te flashen niet voor standaard gebruik) en plaats 3 AA batterijen.
Ja batterijen zijn in verhouding tot de electronica een grote kostenpost.)
4) Verbind je telefoon met het Wifi netwerk van je printje door het netwerk AI-THINKER_xxxxxx te kiezen met wachtwoord ai-thinker.
Ieder printje heeft een eigen netwerk beginnend met AI-THINKER_ gevolgd door een (unieke) code. Het wachtwoord is in kleine letters.
5) Start de App (helaas met Chineese interface maar de knoppen voor de Leds en RGB led zijn relatief eenvoudig te vinden).
Het is even puzzelen welke ledjes aan welke poorten zitten maar gelukkig vond ik dit plaatje op internet.
Ook verwarrend is dat de RGB led op de schuiven als op de knoppen (GPIO15=rood, GPIO13=blauw, GPIO12=groen) in de (helaas chinees-talige) app reageerd.
Achter op de printjes geschreven heb ik met een stift de AI-THINKER_xxxxxx code geschreven om ze uit elkaar te houden.
Hoe je een ander systeem in de ESP8266 kan flashen met andere firmware staat ook op diverse plaatsen (gelukkig ook in het Engels) beschreven. Voor bovenstaande test is dit nog niet nodig.
Maar om iets meer met deze module te doen wel. Helaas bevat deze module geen USB aansluiting. Voor flashen is wat extra (gelukkig goedkope) hardware nodig om de module met je computer te verbinden.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

MicroView Pins outside in

For my  MicroView (Arduino) i created a script to show the outside pin layout of the MicroView on the OLED display.
I used codebender to share it and make it usable for everyone.
As a 'bonus' the pin layout (horizontal and vertical) is also in the comment.

Picture of Microview on experiment
breadboard with USB connector
and  clock module
(added to this blog article on 16nov2015)

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Een pakje uit China.

Binnen een paar weken werd mijn bestelling uit China netjes thuisbezorgd! Eigenlijk al veel sneller dan ik verwacht had. Dit zonder verzendkosten of bijkomende inklarings/douane kosten of BTW.
Vijf test printjes met een ESP8266 (inclusief 3xAA batterij houder,) Samen voor een bedrag onder de 20 euro! Daardoor nog geen 4 Euro per ESP8266 experimenteer setje.
Zie ook foto hiernaast.  De baterijhouder (3x AA) en de twee 2 euro munten en geven een idee van de afmetingen.
Maar wat is een ESP8266, wat kan je ermee en waarom heb ik dit gekocht?
Een ESP8266 is betaalbare Wifi-module die draadloos netwerk
kan toevoegen aan elk microcontroller-project. De ESP8266 is bovendien zelf ook een microcontroller en kan daardoor zelf als ook stand-alone module gebruikt worden. Dus een goedkope bouwsteen voor IoT, domotica en andere projecten.
Er zijn verschillende (experimenteer) printjes met de ESP8266 leverbaar.
Een goed nederlandstalig verhaal met nuttige links over de ESP8266 staat op Tweakers. Op Nurdspace.nl en Hackaday.com is ook veel nuttige (engelstalige) info te vinden.
Een review van het ESP8266 experimenteer printje en hoe ik het werkend heb gekregen zal ik binnenkort posten.